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JavaScript Objects (3 Different Ways of Creating JavaScript Objects) 0

Cerita Semalam Aaz | 4:16 PM | ,

Creating Your Own JavaScript Objects

3 different ways

> Create a direct instance of an object by using built-in constructor for the Object class

> Create a template (Constructor) first and then create an instance of an object from it
Create object instance as Hash Literal

Option 1: Creating a Direct Instance of a JavaScript Object

By invoking the built-in constructor for the Object class
personObj=new Object(); // Initially empty with no properties or methods

Add properties to it personObj.firstname="John"; personObj.age=50;
Add an anonymous function to the personObj
alert(“This age is + this.age);
// You can call then tellYourage function as following

Option 1: Creating a Direct Instance of a JavaScript Object

Add a pre-defined function function tellYourage(){
alert(“The age is + this.age);

Note that the following two lines of code are doing completely different things
// Set property with a function personObj.tellYourage=tellYourage;
// Set property with returned value of the function personObj.tellYourage=tellYourage();

Option 2: Creating a template of a
JavaScript Object

The template defines the structure of a JavaScript object in the form of a function

You can think of the template as a constructor
function Person(firstname,lastname,age,eyecolor) {
this.firstname=firstname;ths.lastname=lastname; this.age=age; this.tellYourage=function(){
alert(“This age is + this.age);

Option 2: Creating a template of a
JavaScript Object

Once you have the template, you can create new instances of the object
myFather=new Person("John","Doe",50,"blue");
myMother=new Person("Sally","Rally",48,"green");

You can add new properties and functions to new objects

myFather.newField = “some data; myFather.myfunction = function() { alert(this["fullName"] + ” is ” + this.age);

Option 3: Creating JavaScript
Object as a Hash Literal

Create personObj JavaScript object
var personObj = {firstname: "John", lastname: "Doe", age: 50,
tellYourage: function () {
alert(“The age is + this.age );
tellSomething: function(something) {

                                       personObj.tellSomething(“Life is good!”);


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